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Bottesford Baptist Church

We meet each Sunday at 10.30 am

Everyone welcome just as you are


Please come along and join us!

Refreshments are served after our Sunday gatherings

Looking forward to seeing you

Showing & Sharing Jesus in Bottesford and Beyond

Based in Bottesford, on the outskirsts of Scunthorpe, we are a community of people, of all ages,

who have discovered what it means to be part of God's family.


What's On


​​​​​​Sunday Services

10.30 am Morning Gathering

with activities for children



  Community Cafe

10.00 am - 11.30 am

A welcome space and a

warm space for everyone


Come and have a brew and good conversation



Small Group Bible Study in the church building

(Term time only)

10.00 am for a 10.30 am start, finishing around 11.30 am

Everyone welcome to come along



Sunday 2 March

The preacher will be Moji

This will be an All Age Worship

​Sunday 9 March
The preacher will be Rev Alan Pike and Lesley is leading

We will celebrate Communion


Sunday 16 March

The preacher will be Ewan and Popsie is leading


Sunday 23 March

The preacher will be Rev Tom MacDonald and Lesley is leading


Sunday 30 March

The preacher will be Rev George Massey and Chris is leading

Mothering Sunday

The clocks go forward

GDPR Form and Privacy Notice


This is available to view and download on the Contact page. If you would like the church to keep in contact with you this will need to be completed and returned to the church. Click here to go to Contact page.

Bottesford Baptist Church, Chancel Rd,

Bottesford, DN16 3LD
01724 847134



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© Bottesford Baptist Church 2018
Bottesford Baptist Church is a registered charity (CIO): 1196764
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